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Paulino and colleague, Joe

My fiancee had spent a week back in the UK and I picked her up yesterday (18 Dec) early morning.
We decided to go for a coffee and toast at Jennies Dog House whereupon, she noticed her purse was missing.
Thinking back, she had bought a drink on the plane,and must have somehow misplaced it then.
You can imagine the panic, because her purse contained all the usual stuff, credit cards, driving license plus nearly £700 Sterling !
After a few pointless phone calls, we were drawing blanks, and this is when the lovely Jennie stepped in. She took us next door to talk to Paulino, who along with his colleague, (we forgot to get his name but now know it is Joe) took control, and after many more phone calls, finally found out, that the purse was safe, and in the hands of a Ryanair operative.
Many thanks go out to Paulino and his colleague, also to the trusting staff of Ryanair, and after our dash back to the Airport, we picked up the purse to find the contents in tact.

good for you.....and well done everyone involved.

Commented exsas in La Marina 2015-12-20 06:46:37 UTC

Brilliant....Paulino has been very helpful to me over the last year as well. Happy Christmas and New Year.

Commented Bob Smith in La Marina 2015-12-20 11:44:23 UTC

Paulino also helped me with a problem on my Padron.
He was not politician for the Urb at that time but he nevertheless got my problem sorted.

Commented Friendlyviking in La Marina 2015-12-22 08:19:08 UTC